Absence Management

Absence Management or Day One is the recording of absences from the first day of each occurrence until the employee's return to work. Careful monitoring of absence allows the business to more effectively plan cover, track the cost of absenteeism and reduce its overall level.

Utilising a simple step by step flow structure and easy to use drop-down menus, Absence Management allows non-medically trained staff to create accurate absence records in response to initial employee calls. With our sets of standard condition codes, including those used by the World Health Organisation, reasons for absence can be reported in a way that is both meaningful and consistent. Organisations can select the condition code set most suited to their purpose, from the detailed and clinical (e.g. acute nasopharyngitis) to easily recognisable descriptions (e.g common cold). As the absence progresses, further details, such as changes to the expected return to work date, can then be added, thus leaving a full audit trail.

To further manage the absence process, there is the added benefit of automatically generated Self-Certification emails, whereby the employee confirms the dates of absence and the reasons for it. The employee’s line manager is then prompted with a Return To Work email. As per the organisation’s requirements, these steps are fully adjustable and can be completed by different persons or removed completely.

With Absence Management you can also set up specific triggers which, when hit by a particular absence, will then mark that absence as flagged for attention. This removes the need to analyse all records and just take note of those flagged. A list of absences that need chasing, such as cases where Self-Certs are outstanding, is also provided. In the instances where an absence becomes a longer term condition, it can be seamlessly escalated to Case Management.

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